Our approach

Our team has many years of experience in all aspects of action orientated technical & policy related research, international development, programme co-ordination, project management, project assurance, and, commercial product and service development.

metaLAB is not a ‘talking shop’ nor a ‘think-tank’. At the heart of our work is the use of participative mechanisms that enable user-centric designs to emerge. We find this slower at the beginning; but less risky at the end!

We provide our partners and clients in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors with services and solutions that cover the whole innovation life-cycle.  From inception and design through to final integration and diffusion.

metaLAB is committed to identifying and developing systemic and sustainable solutions. Solutions that achieve outputs and outcomes required by funders and the return on capital required by investors. We always aim to ensure that around each big initiative there are opportunities for community based micro-economic employment and micro-business creation.

metaLAB appreciates political and regulatory contexts, but looks first for near-term solutions to today’s needs. We strive with partners to find ‘quick wins’ within the existing institutional structures.

We aim to leave partners feeling in control of proven and sustainable ventures that they have come to own! We understand both the project financed world of ‘outputs’ and ‘outcomes’ and the world of venture funding. We seek to balance that know-how with a social entrepreneurial approach. We want to leave something robust and worthwhile as a long-term service.

Operationalising such visions may require metaLAB to develop alliances, joint ventures, consortia & IPR strategies with our clients and partners. We are always looking for better ways of delivering our vision. This includes tracking relevant policy issues, technologies and ideas for economic empowerment.